Science at Mendell Primary School

Our approach to our curriculum at Mendell is based upon: Consistency    Insistency    Ambition

In Science we study nature and the behaviour of natural things

The Science curriculum has been planned to:

  • Allow application of learning across the subject: for example: in Year 1 children will learn to identify the basic structure of a plant in order to apply this in Year 3 when learning to identify the functions of the parts of a plant. Throughout the Science curriculum opportunities for learning to be applied outside of units have been identified, which will provide pupils with the opportunity to make links to prior learning and embed knowledge into their long term memory for example: children in Year 4 can use their prior knowledge about plants to support them to group and classify living things.

To see how these are built up and are progressive year on year, please see our Science long term plan and Science progression maps:

  • Allow overlearning of key concepts in other subjects. For example: electricity and circuits are taught as part of our Science, DT and Computing curriculums. These are planned in at different times to allow overlearning and application of learning in other subjects.

To see this clearly, please see our whole school long term plan:

  • Opportunities to revisit learning. Essential core Science knowledge has been identified and is revisited during ‘Flash Back Friday’ sessions. These are keeping skills session where we revisit core knowledge from across a range of subjects to commit to long term memory.

 Please see Science Memory Flash Points:

  • Reflect National Association guidance. Mendell Primary has written the Science curriculum using resources from the Association for Science Education (ASE) and recommended STEM lesson materials. ASE are a membership organisation providing advice, support and training for those involved in teaching Science.

 For further information, please see examples of our Science Medium terms plans:

For further information, please contact our Science lead Mrs Bride via the school office.

The lead governor for science is Mrs Parkin